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Uzyskano patent na urządzenie do zaciskania rur metodą gorącego gotowania, które może zwiększyć wydajność zaciskania rur podczas gięcia

Czas: 2024-07-12

Financial world on July 12, 2024 news,we has obtained a patent titled “a kind of hot simmering pipe bender pipe bending clamping device”.
Patent abstract shows that a hot simmering pipe bender pipe bending clamping device, including the base, the base below the skidding wheels, the base above the fixed end and mobile end, fixed end fixed on the base, mobile end and fixed end hinged; fixed end of the hydraulic cylinder bracket, the mobile end of the hydraulic cylinder connected to the seat, the bottom of the hydraulic cylinder hinged with the hydraulic cylinder bracket, the pusher and the hydraulic cylinder connected to the seat hinged, the mobile end of the hydraulic cylinder can be opened and closed under the action, the mobile end can be opened and closed under the action, the mobile end can be in the hydraulic cylinder The mobile end can be opened and closed under the action of the hydraulic cylinder, and the clamping surface is formed with the fixed end after the mobile end is closed, and the clamping surface of the mobile end and the fixed end is respectively set with a clamping piece, and the said clamping piece is a one-piece structure.


KOLEJNY : Krajobraz konkurencyjny na rynku giętarek do rur: znajduje się w fazie szybkiego rozwoju

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